Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Low-Fat Better? And selecting form of a grain

A new study shows that low-fat diets are better in the long-term than low-carb diets.


I believe that carbohydrates are necessary for energy, and if you are going to exercise, they are a necessity. Limit your intake of refined carbohydrates. Here's a list of how to best get your grain based carbohydrates:
Best - whole grain (NOT whole grain flour)
cracked grain
whole grain flour
Worst - white flour
Why? Often whole grains pass through the digestive tract in whole form - we don't always chew thoroughly, this reduces the availability of the starches to our body. In the case of cracked grain, the hulls have been broken, so they are more available, but must be dissolved. Whole wheat flour has fiber which does slow absorbtion of the starch. White flour is essentially pure starch, so is the most available. (If you look at the glycemic index of these, they'd run lowest at the whole grain form and highest at the white flour form.)

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