You Gotta Nice Ass!
Yeah, it shouldn't happen, but it does. And frankly, I'd rather be heckled than have the run in with the inattentive driver turning in front of me. At least I'm not at risk of bodily harm. I've taken to whacking the cars that do that and did once get cursed at by a guy in a pickup. I figure it tells them that things are happening that they don't see. I know many other runners say, "Never challenge a driver," but legally, they've failed to yield. I won't do this when doing it puts me at risk. I also figure that if I keep running, the driver will either need to come after me in their vehicle, which I'll hear and be able to evade or I'll outrun him easily, so any risk is minimal.
Anyway, the good weather has me out running in shorts, so the legs probably get a bit more notice. While some people probably think I should be angry, the incident made me laugh. Heck, what makes you feel better than knowing "you gotta nice ass?"
i hear yah dude. i wore tights for the turkey trot with a jock, and um, some of the stroller moms were kinda starin'...
i've been pinched by college girls at a stoplight before on my bike... but, no to the dudes -- that's just so WRONG!
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