Wednesday, November 09, 2005

A Smaller Blob

I weighed myself yesterday morning. It was the first time that I realized I was next to the scale and hadn't had a drink, so why not? My weight...167! Yesss! Down 2.5 and feeling good. I'd been to the gym (or outside) for 6 of 7 days prior. The efforts are paying off, perhaps not as fast as I'd hoped, but still pretty well. I've cut virtually all soda from my diet. Not a hard choice, though I do find myself jonesing (should that be capped?) for one now and again.

After the weigh in, I did a hard, short walk and did my lifting. Today, my legs feel beat, even though I went easy this AM. The DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) is here. It feels like I hit things about right, it's there, but just mild.

My plantar fasciitis was bugging me this morning, so I did some extra stretching. I hope it keeps it at bay.


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