Wednesday, February 02, 2005

The Misery of Stretching

Stretching isn't pleasant. I don't like to stretch, so when word came out a year or so ago that there was no difference in injury rates among runners who stretched and those who didn't, I was thrilled! Finally justification that I don't need to do what I hate.

Foot bone connected to the ankle bone...Our bodies are interconnected. If my hamstrings get tight (and right now, they're tight enough that if I pluck them, I get a beautiful sound), then my gait changes a bit and my footstrike tends to want to go forward, towards my toes, when I run. This makes my calves get tight and irritates my plantar fascia (with which I've been doing battle for months now), and I may lose more training time.

The study says, "Stretching doesn't matter." I say, "I hate it, but my body say I have to do it." I'm stretching again, because I have too much training invested to put it at risk. My experience says there was a flaw in the study. I'm stretching again, and so should you.

PS - if anyone can teach me to like stretching, I'd really appreciate it. Post any suggestions in the comments section.


Blogger Brendan said...

Try stretching on your rest days. Stretch in the middle of the living-room floor while you're doing something else. My kids used to love stretching with me.
On post-race days, I used to just stretch out. Made me feel better afterwards, and made me appreciate stretching more.

February 04, 2005 4:36 PM  
Blogger Allen said...

Wayne, think of it this way. If you run without stretching, you put stress on your body due to the running. If you stretch first, you put stress on your body and then stress on your body due to the running. Which is worse? I think running without stretching is worse, because running pounds your body while stretches properly done don't do that.

However, stretching should be slow and easy, no jerking, bouncing, or jumping. Slow and easy without pain.



March 22, 2005 7:59 PM  

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