Tuesday, February 01, 2005

The Normalcy of Discomfort

If you challenge yourself in your fitness activities, some discomfort is normal. (I think for many of us at a certain level, its lack is regarded as a sign of failure.) I've had some discomfort in my quadriceps (the big muscles in the front of the thighs), just above the knees, for a couple of days. One of the important things to remember is the difference between soreness and pain. To follow the example of George H. W. Bush (the former president), I'll say, "Discomfort - good, Pain - bad."

OK, now how do we tell them apart? Soreness will usually diminish with activity. It's a sign of the microtears that occur in muscles with heavy use. The occurence of soreness means the muscle has been damaged and will (if allowed to recover) come back stronger. (It will grow, and by growing, burn more calories every day...the weight loss tie.) Pain, on the other hand, will diminish only very slightly with activity, it's a sign of injury (OK, it can be argued that the discomfort is also a sign of injury, but to a much lesser degree.) True pain will often result in fatigue, as dealing with pain is very tiring. If you have pain, and the cause is not obvious or it's in a joint, you should likely be checked by a doctor. (If you've overdone a workout, and are gimpy for a few days, it's not necessary, but if there's a real injury, you should get it checked.)

So, I'm happy that I have discomfort, because I know that it will help me achieve my goal in the marathon in May. You should be happy if you have discomfort too. It means that you're progressing. I always used to welcome the pain that came during the first few days of cross-country or track season, it meant I was on my way back into shape. Keep youself a little uncomfortable, you'll be better off as a result.


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