Sunday, April 09, 2006

DKXMinge Club

This morning, as I ran my last fairly long run before Boston, the park I run through was jammed with triathletes. They seemed to be competing in an informal race. As I ran out of the park, I asked a woman, stationed at the entry to the park if this was a race. "No, just an informal get together." I then asked what the club was, and after a longer than normal pause, what I heard was, "DKXMinge Club."

I have a suspicion that she was CYAing. My guess is that they held a club race without authorization, and she was stonewalling me, in case I was going to make an issue of things.

I ran for about an hour and 45 min (I'd guess 12 to 13 miles). A bit later, the three guys from my town who are running the Boston Marathon got together on the track and had our picture taken. I'll submit it to the local newspaper. We're all first-time Boston qualifiers, so this is pretty special for us.


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