Sunday, April 16, 2006

Thank You!

I have really been overwhelmed by the number of people who have gone out of their way to express their support for my running the Boston Marathon tomorrow. As noted, if everything works as hoped, you'll be seeing updates live (or at least fairly live) on the blog.

I am faced with a dilema, do I try to list those who've taken the time to express their good wishes? The problem is that the list is numerous enough that I'd doubtless leave some people out, so I think I'll say, "Thank you to all of you who have expressed good wishes or shared positive thoughts."

I will publicly express thanks to the following people for their extraordinary support as I worked towards the goal of qualifying for and running the Boston Marathon: my family, both immediate and extended; Arthur Lydiard and those who brought me together with him; Patti Dillon and the group of "has-beens" who helped this "never-was" achieve one of his dreams through their support, coaching and encouragement on the two incarnations of "the thread"; Randy S who gave me extraordinary support at the Long Island Marathon last year; the members of my running clubs (Shore AC, JSRC, and RVRR) and those in other clubs whose paths I've crossed; and the group of bloggers who have shared knowledge, sometimes knowingly and sometimes accidentallly. Finally, I'd like to than the students from Russell Elementary School in Missoula, MT who really touched me when they sent me a massive list of good wishes. I've left out many of you, simply because reading this list would rapidly become painful. If you weren't mentioned, believe me, your good wishes were much appreciated.

I hope to be able to acquit myself well tomorrow. I think most of you are aware that Boston holds a special place in my heart, and I think that tomorrow will make the place even more special. I'm nervous but at peace with myself.

I'd like to leave you with the following quote from George S. Patton:
If we take the generally accepted definition of bravery as a quality which knows no fear, I have never seen a brave man. All men are frightened. The more intelligent they are, the more they are frightened.


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