Yep, if I am a loser, then I need you, a teenager, riding in a friend's car to point this out to me. And, if I'm not, then your yell will doubtless change my life. I'll collapse in a miasma of despair and become a loser, all thanks to your well placed yell. Yep, that's a good way to spend your time and energy.
Oh, and one other thing. On this same overpass, there was a small berry tree, and I ate a few. My first reaction was that they were black raspberries, but the plant wasn't right, so I'm now learning toward black mulberries, and this image convinces me that that's what I was eating. They were quite good, and there were lots of them. These weren't on a person's property, so I felt OK in taking them. I've since noticed many others on my runs, and I'm starting to wonder if I should make some jelly from scavenged fruit.
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