Sunday, June 25, 2006

Still Half-Blind

I'd mentioned before that my son had broken my glasses. Last week, I got ahold of my optometrist and on Friday of last week I got my new glasses ordered. I was told they'd be ready on Friday and that perhaps they'd be in on Thursday. Thursday came and went and I heard nothing. On Friday, I called in the afternoon and was told that they still hadn't arrived, but they'd likely show on Saturday. On Saturday afternoon, I called again, still no glasses, but they should be in on Monday. I'm starting to get a bad feeling about this.

I'm stuck wearing either my contact lenses or my official early-1990's "Mr. Peeper's autograph model" glasses (which I don't like to wear out of the house...they'd been replaced after I'd needed to wire them together). I can't function without glasses - my better eye requires 4.0 diopters of correction and my worse eye 6.5. The result is that the old expression "couldn't hit the broad side of the barn" really applies for me...but in my case it's because I can't see the barn, at least without correction.


Blogger robison52 said...

Howdy! Would love to see a picture of you in your Mr. Peeper glasses!!! Happy trails, Bruce

June 26, 2006 3:45 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hey, I've been on vacation so I'm just getting caught up on blogs, but I wanted to say thanks for visiting my blog and commenting. I'm going to go back through your blog and read about your 24 hour race--I'd like to know more about your experience. What is next on your race schedule?

Take care.

June 26, 2006 1:02 PM  

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