Friday, January 05, 2007

A Few Goals

The new year brings a chance to look at ourselves, and I felt that there were a few fitness goals that I need to achieve.

Goal 1: In shape to walk a marathon in April. I'm going to try to wangle myself an invite to walk Boston (there are ways). If I can't manage that, then NJ Shore will probably be my backup. My goal will be low-5 hour range. I'd like to say under 5, but don't think I'll be able to be in that kind of shape by April, so I'll identify my goal as 5:15.

Goal 2: In shape to run a marathon in the fall. I'd like to try to BQ for 2008, but will probably choose to run Steamtown, which I've wanted to run for years. Steamtown has a reputation of being fast, but I've spoken to area people who've run it, and they note that it's a hard marathon unless you're very comfortable with hills. If I come through OK, but don't BQ, then I'll probably try to double with Philly. The five weeks between will likely be adequate to recover IF I pull the plug early if Steamtown starts to come apart.

Those are my fitness goals for 2007. I'd also like to add some upper body strength, and will try to do exercise at least 2x/week.

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Blogger robison52 said...

Would be great to have you with us in the 2008 Boston Marathon! Happy trails, Bruce

January 06, 2007 5:56 AM  

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