Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Tennis Elbow

I got together with my family over the weekend. I've had a hurt arm for about 2 weeks now. I've been driving a limo for a while now, and this is a work related injury. My right arm hurts when I lift something heavy or when I move it certain ways or when I grip tightly.
My sister, a long-time tennis player promptly said, "tennis elbow." I'm inclined to think she knows. I keep trying to limit irritation. Most of my lifting is now done on the left. Maybe it'll force my body into better balance.
I got to the gym again this morning. I walked for 30 minutes at 4.6 mph (2.3 mi) and did some strength work.

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Blogger robison52 said...

Howdy to a fellow (glorified) cab driver or what's known as a chauffer. Yup, you'll learn quickly to lift with your legs and not your back, to always use BOTH hands when lift luggage and not to swing your body with the luggage as it'll eventually hurt your back too. Hang tough!

December 12, 2007 3:37 PM  

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