About 3 o'clock on Monday afternoon, I suddenly felt badly. It was a kind of fatigue combined with feeling "off." By Tuesday, it was pretty much all I could do to get to my class. This cold or flu, which seemed to settle in my throat, caused me to cough a lot. It was a kind of dry cough, and was bad enough that at one point, the coughing actually hurt my eyes. The disturbing part of this was that afterwards, I would feel discomfort when I touched my eyes! Obviously, the vigor of coughing hurt me a bit.
What do you think? Brutal sinus pressure, chills, an awful cough - flu?
On two consecutive evenings, I found myself coughing 'til I lost my cookies. That was my alternate title for this post.
I still find myself coughing, but things are much improved. This seems to be more bronchitis, than any kind of real problem. Hopefully, I'll be able to kick this thing in the next several days.
Labels: health, life