Thursday, April 22, 2010

A New Heart

A friend of mine is getting a new heart tonight. This has me thinking a bit about mortality. Not in a bad kind of way, just that he is, if all goes well, getting a new lease on life. However, his gain is somebody else's loss. His heart had to come out of someone, and they can't have been too sick - if I understand right, most hearts come from young, healthy people who died suddenly in some tragic way. That person likely has parent, a spouse or significant other, and maybe children. They all suffer a great loss, but others gain by their loss. My driver's license is marked as organ donor. Is yours?

UPDATE: I jumped on Facebook this AM and found out there was an issue with the heart and he's slated to go hame today with his old, beat-up heart. I'm sure the decision was right, but it's an emotional roller coaster.
