Thursday, March 26, 2009

Quilt Show

On Saturday, I took my sister into New York for a quilt show. A quilt made by a friend was being displayed there. I also took some pictures of other quilts I liked, and I've posted a few shots here.

My sister with the quilt dedicated to her.
My son with the "Monster Quilt"

This small quilt was made of hexagonal "squares", the thing that most impressed me about it was the detail, the photo does not do it justice, but in each hex segment, there were several little faceted beads which caught the light (this is the photo's weakness), along with being multi-layered (folded?).
This quilt was just enchanting, combining a trio of island/African dressed women playing basketball, I really liked this one.
Colors of this quilt, made up of a "fish-eye" view of a skyline and a view of the Brooklyn Bridge, were just spectacular.
A docent shows off the level of work put in piecing this quilt on BOTH sides.


Thursday, March 19, 2009

A Lesson From Biking

Natasha Richardson's tragic death reminded me of something I was told when I was doing a lot of biking about 20 years ago. I was told that, unhelmeted, you can die from falling off a bike that's standing still. Ms. Richardson's death, happening on a bunny slpe, falling onto slushy snow show that great impact isn't necessary. I can only hope that her death gets a few more people to wear helmets both on the ski slope and on bikes. Here in NJ, our legislature enacted a law mandating helmet use by everyone under 17 on roads and public areas when biking, roller blading, and skateboarding. Unfortunately, it's widely ignored, even by the cops. I believe that failure to enforce laws breeds disrespect for the law, so the failure to enforce this law has a corrosive effect on society.

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