Wednesday, September 09, 2009

The Nines

I just got on Google and saw they'd written 09/09/09 09:09:09 on their page. I glanced at the clock - 9:10...well, at least the world didn't end!


Saturday, September 05, 2009

What a Blockhead!

"How do you find running in those shoes?," asked the runner who was passing me.
"Not too bad, but I really feel the big stones," said I.
"Be careful in them, I got a neuroma from running too far here in a bad pair of shoes," he replied.

So began a conversation about my unusual footwear this morning. I was running in boat shoes because I'd driven off thinking my shoes were in the car. It was the second time I'd made that mistake in 2 weeks. What a blockhead!

Last time, I'd headed to the last race of the summer series without them. I racewalked 2 miles in bare feet then. I gathered six blisters, and didn't work out for five days afterwards. What a blockhead!

Got a story of your blockheadedness? Please share, otherwise I'll think you're all perfect!

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