Monday, January 09, 2006

A Clean Bill of Health

I got my first physical in about a decade on Friday. The results were good. Cholesterol numbers were right in line. Most other blood work was in line (a couple were marginally out, but didn't concern the doc). ECG was normal. He did identify that I have bradycardia (those of you who are runners or seriously into fitness, but don't know the term will laugh when you see the definition). The ECG tech immediately asked if I was a runner because of it.

I've gotten to the age where a digital rectal exam is a part of the process. It was my first time, and I'll just say the I found it pretty unpleasant. I think I was uncomfortable about it, and therefore, unable to relax. I hope it will be better next time.

He looked quickly at the two skin marks that I showed him and immediately dismissed each as having no risk.

I have been learning about health, but not always doing the stuff that should be done to manage my health. This physical was a step towards rectifying that situation.


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