Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Truckin' to the Doctor

You've probably seen those ads for Lamisil, with the nasty looking toenails. My nails look at least that bad - well they used to look worse, but now they just look about that bad.

I had nine nails that were badly affected, but Penlac used religiously for a year and a half got that number down to six. Penlac, with their Toe-Truck campaign, has one of the goofiest marketing concepts I've seen - a whole marketing scheme based on a bad pun. When looking for shots of Penlac's Truck I found a Seattle-based user of the same bad pun.

When I went to my doctor, he tried to discourage treatment. He told me that Lamasil only works in about half the cases (note: numbers may be off a bit - it was a couple of weeks ago) and that many people's nails are reinfected within a year or so. He said that runners have additional trouble because of the trauma to which their nails are often subjected.

Even so, he did write me a presciption for Lamisil. I will be starting with it shortly and will keep you posted on the outcome.


Blogger Mike said...

Sorry about the toenails Scooter, that sounds like a real drag. It's one of the few running maladies I've managed to avoid, knock on wood. Good luck with the treatment. Sorry, I think I deleted the pic thinking it was spam! Please send it again and I'll take a look, and thanks as always for the insightful comments.

January 03, 2006 3:35 PM  

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