Friday, October 06, 2006

Diesel Spill

This morning, as I walked my son to school, we passed a spot in town where they're shooting a movie. As we turned to walk the final block to school, we saw two police cars. I asked the crossing guard at the corner what was going on. It turned out that some diesel had spilled from one of the production vans. If I had to guess at the amount, it was probably about a half-gallon. The cops had thrown rolls of paper towels into the spill to slow its movement. We continued on our way, and started hearing firetruck sirens. We turned onto the approach to school, and moments later, the firetruck turned onto the road. It was then that I realized the firetruck was responding to the spill. After leaving my son, I returned, and the firemen were shoveling absorbent material onto the roadway to gather up the spill. I don't know for sure, but I suspect a bill will be delivered to someone for this.

It was a very minor thing, but it was good to know it was being handled aggressively.


Blogger robison52 said...

ONLY A HALF-GALLON!!! GEEZZZZ. Happy trails, Bruce

October 07, 2006 5:25 PM  

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