Sunday, November 05, 2006
I spent the day as a volunteer at the New York City Marathon. I left home about 6:30, and didn't get back until about 7:15. I found myself being sent to Queens, where I was assigned to help get wheelchairs moved to the left to cross the Queensboro Bridge. Later, I was in Central Park, trying to get pedestrian traffic on the new temporary bridge under control. Eventually, because of a MASSIVE traffic jam, we closed the park entry at 72nd St, and I spent some time as Mr. Megaphone. After that, I had to help a foreign Achilles runner get reconnected to the Achilles people, and as I headed in with him, I was encouraged to job swap with one of my co-workers, who headed off with him, leaving me doing security at the gate into the course at 72nd St. I saw a runner go down with a cramp, so I dashed over. There were several runners trying to assist, so I shouted, "Medic" and got in front of him to stand as a blocker, causing the runners to have to go around me. As far as I know, having a downed runner kicked in the head isn't a good cure for cramping. The rest of the day was pretty uneventful. I think I have a few decent pictures, I'll post them tomorrow.
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