Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Announcing A Goal - 45 for 50

On Monday, I had decided to establish a tough goal for myself regarding getting into shape. Since consistency is one of the keys to fitness, I decided to set a goal of that involves consistent workouts. Thus, I chose to set the goal of exercising 45 of the 50 days beginning on Monday. That means seven weeks and a day with a maximum miss of one day in 10.

Some people will tell you that establishing a habit takes 30 days. Others will say that basic conditioning takes 6 weeks to achieve. This goal meets both of those criteria.

Here I sit on Wednesday morning, a bit sore and fatigued, puzzled about last night's workout. I had gone to a park, which is supposed to close at dusk, and when I arrived, there was a cop there. He pointed his searchlight at my car, and when I rolled down my window, he asked, "Are you going to walk a dog?" I replied, "I was hoping to walk myself." He said, "Go ahead." So, off I went. I wanted to walk 3 laps of the park, which is 2.4 miles, and expected that it would take about a half-hour. That would give a roughly 12 minute/mile pace. When I finished, I looked at the clock, and it had taken 42 minutes. I was puzzled - Had I walked an extra lap? Had I walked really slowly? I just don't know.

While I doubled on Monday (a workout, followed by a race), that counts only as a single day, thus while I've finished 3 workouts in two days, it counts only as 2 for 2 by my system. (I can't bank exercise.)

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Blogger robison52 said...

Unusual goal! I've never heard ot setting a goal of exercising whereby you'll workout 45 of the 50 days beginnng on Monday!?! A goal of 50 days is quite long and could misfire if you happen to take an extra rest day within 10 days due to family obligations; very easy to get discouraged if you happen to slip. More normal is bite size weekly goals, if something happens, you can always restart the following week.

Your last night's workout is puzzling...I'm guessing you did another extra lap without knowing it. It's so easy to get lost in your own thoughts when walking.

August 15, 2007 7:14 PM  

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