Monday, March 28, 2005

The Benefits of a Healthier Lifestyle

When I made changes in my exercise pattern and how I ate, I found that the following changes took place over the next several months: weight loss, disappearance of frequent indigestion (reflux or GERD), disappearance of occasional back and neck spasms, lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol, and an improved ability to climb stairs and do other activities.

I lost about 35 lbs. over about 6 months (and have lost another 10+ since then). I believe this resulted in my blood pressure dropping from about 135/85 mmHg (that's now called prehypertension) to about 120/80 (considered to be the high end of the optimal zone). My cholesterol dropped from 200+ to 150.

I'm not sure if the reflux issue was due to generally eating less (less food in the stomach means the top of the stomach is not held open by food) or by creating less demand for stomach acid. I do know that eating better is a healthier (and cheaper) alternative to spending the rest of my life on antacids or prescription stomach acid medication.

There's a pretty good chance that if I were still living as I did 6 years ago, I'd be on Lipitor or Crestor for cholesterol, a beta blocker or diuretic for hypertension, and Prilosec for reflux. Instead, I am on NO medication and all these problems have disappeared. I managed to get rid of these problems and believe that you can too! Just follow a simple plan to choose healthier foods more often, to eat less of them, and to exercise at a modest level for about 30 minutes a day on most days.

I did it, you can do it, too!


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