Friday, February 10, 2006

Judgement Call

I'd posted about the tightness in my right foot. This morning, I decided to make a judgement call and modify my training over the next few days in order to try to nip this case of plantar fasciitis in the bud. I did not run this morning. I plan to walk tonight. If I can pull it off, I'll do it outside, but if not, then it's the dreadmill at the gym. Tomorrow, I'll go short (perhaps with some walking to keep the volume at a reasonable level). If the weather report is accurate, by Sunday morning, there should be at least a half-foot (15 cm) of snow on the ground, though the storm will probably still be blowing - predictions are for 8-12 inches. Two hours plus on X-C skis should give me a reasonable long-workout without pounding the feet. Hopefully, the few days of reduced activity will throw the balance in favor of a healthy and pain-free foot.


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