Sunday, April 02, 2006

My Last Long Run

The shift to daylight time combined with my wife having a meeting conspired to interrupt my training this morning. My son has been on a biking kick, so I used that to my advantage and got him to change and I continued my run with him. We headed up my road to the edge of town, cut to one of the main roads from town and used it to take us up to a park. From there, we went into another park, the community college, then headed home. Aside from one "going down on a curb" incident, the ride went well for him. He seems to be getting his confidence back after a long winter without riding. I'd left the house at about 8:45 AM and returned at 12:25 PM, but before any of you go crazy at the apparent 3 hour and 40 minute run, understand that it was interrupted by 15 to 25 minutes of trying to get my son ready to ride.

After the run, I cooked and ate some waffles (my wife had made the batter before the meeting), then crashed for about 3 hours, drifting in and out of consciousness as the TV ran last year's regional Ironman Triathlons. I'm now feeling pretty good, though my pf in the right foot is a bit twingey. (OK, probably not a word, but it works!)

The long workout does give me reasonable confidence that I'll get through Boston without undue difficulty. The thing that's haunting me right now is the prospect of a radical weather change somewhere in the last 5 miles of Boston. The race booklet pointed out that an onshore breeze can mean a radical temperature drop virtually anywhere from Heartbreak Hill onward. The prospect of having run 21 miles in 70 degree weather, then suddenly hitting 50 degrees is intimidating. There's no point to worrying, but it's something I should watch for as I check the weather channel on race morning.

(By the way, the new "Coutdown to Boston" counter on the right seems to be working right, but I'm wondering if it shows the right time to viewers in other time zones. If any of you who read this from time zones other than Eastern Daylight Time would be kind enough to comment, leaving the time you visited, your time zone, and what you saw displayed, and an estimate is OK, I'd appreciate it. I have a suspicion that the countdown picks up your computer's clock time and calculates, without adjusting for time zones, the time until the noon EDT start on April 17th, meaning that the display will be an hour behind if you're in the Central time zone and three hours off for those of you on the west coast. Thanks for any help.)


Blogger Mike said...

Wow, a long run with your son and you didn't have to push, that's a novelty! Good attitude and I'm glad you could crash a bit after. Remember what you told Duncan about not racing the clock when he was griping about the weather! You're tough, you'll be fine. I hope you were joking about the pizza, that's just nuts. Just thinking about that makes me want to "grab the bowl".

April 02, 2006 6:32 PM  

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