Thursday, July 13, 2006

The Horror, The Horror

He pushed his body into the miasma of dank, wet air. The air felt cool on his skin, but so wet that no matter how much he sweated, it didn't seem to help. The air was still. The sounds of the woods surrounded him, except when His breathing was labored as his lungs struggled to draw enough oxygen from among the nitrogen and water vapor. Every step felt like a struggle. When the need came to run more quickly, his focus shifted from his breathing to making his body move in the way he needed it to go. Up, over the hill he went. Evading his pursuer was critical.

Though his pursuer was only in his brain, the bursts of speed were necessary. Need I tell you that my fartlek workout this morning felt like a chore. Workouts in summer are often a challenge - Do you workout late, when humidity is lower, but temperature are higher? Or do you go early, when temperatures are lower, but the air is nearly saturated? I prefer the early route - this morning, the temperature was 75°F and the dew point was 70°F. Put simply, the air was so wet, you could almost squeeze the water out.

Meantime, my toenail on my right big toe has been bugging me since Sunday. It fell victim to the downhills of the Boilermaker. Blood has pooled beneath it, so I'm facing a year of the dreaded "black toenail." As if my toenails weren't ugly enough!

"The Horror, The Horror"
- Colonel Kurtz in Apocalyspe Now


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