Sunday, August 20, 2006

Baseball Pictures

On Thursday night, we'd gone to a Lakewood (NJ) Blueclaws baseball games. The 'claws are a Philadelphia Phillies farm club. They were playing the Hagerstown (MD) Suns, a NY Mets affiliate, though they dress like the Baltimore Orioles. Here's the entry to the stadium.
The scoreboard.
The Blueclaws warming up.
An Las Vegas entertainer named Christopher did several Village people songs. He's in the middle, all the other "people" are essentially marionettes.
A local optical place had a race between giant eyeballs and a hotdog. Why a hot dog? I have no idea. (The hot dog is at the far left of the picture.)
As we pulled in, this Mercedes arrived. Aside from the obnoxious green color, it runs on used vegetable oil, it's a "grease car". (I'm told the exhaust smells like french fries, though I didn't notice.) It's apparently the work of a baseball writer named Joe Connor. His website is here.


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