Tuesday, December 07, 2004

We Are From The Government. We Are Here To Help You.

In this case, it's really true! The U.S. government has a BIG vested interest in keeping us healthy. Why? Well, the cost of healthcare is skyrocketing, and as more baby-boomers come to rely on Social Security and Medicare, more of those costs will be borne by the government. As Americans have become more overweight, many very costly diseases or conditions have started to occur with greater frequency. Some of these include: diabetes (type II), coronary disease, several types of cancer, and stroke.

So, what can I do about this? Use the resources they have developed. I have already mentioned the Small Step weight loss site at: www.smallstep.gov
The National Diabetes Education Program site can be found at: www.ndep.nih.gov
And lots of other good information can be gotten at through the National Institutes of Health website at: www.nih.gov

I'll go into some more information on some cool tools on these sites in the near future.


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