Monday, November 29, 2004

A Successful Weekend!

I haven't weighed, and though I know I overate, it wasn't by too much. More importantly, I managed to run all 4 days - and having not run much over the last 4 months, that's a huge victory. I'm excited because my friend who's pushing me to run a late spring marathon (I've only run them in fall) will now get on my case to train right.

I don't want to intimidate you with this marathon talk. Do your half-hour a day, it's enough. I'm a bit out there. How did your weekends go?

I'm putting a string of bizarre and unrelated words here for my own bizarre purposes (to find out if Google sees this page), so here goes: sphygmomanometer, logarithm, pecuniary, funambulism (That's a fun word!).


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