Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Lose Ten Pounds Fast!

Does that look like an ad you see regularly? That line, or a variant of it, is used all the time to draw the unwary into parting with cash for questionable or dangerous weight loss programs. I can help you to lose that ten pounds (or more) in a healthy fashion. (And I can also tell you some quick ways to lose 3-5 lbs without seriously endangering your health - though I wouldn't say it's healthy.) Last, many of us have looked at somebody who is the same height and weight and wondered why they look so much better than we do.

Here is my stance on weight loss: no drugs, no off-limits foods, no crazy schemes. Follow my advice (modified, if necessary, for any health problems you have) and you can lose weight (and a lot of it) quickly and with little effort. You must be willing to exercise (and it doesn't need to be terribly intense) and to modify your eating to make it more sensible.

That's all there is to it. For those of you who have not had success with all the very hyped diets, give this a try, it can change your life if you let it.

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