Monday, March 20, 2006

Four Weeks 'til Boston

Well, I've been struggling of late to get out on the roads with the regularity that I would like. Today marks four weeks until Boston. I have two more weeks of training before the taper begins, and I want to make the most of it, but if I keep skipping days, I won't. So, I've decided to use the blog as motivation - I'm posting my training here every day.

The basic format of my training is based on Artur Lydiard's beginner's marathon schedule. It seemed like the most I could manage to do with other commitments, but I've cut in back slightly, so I am running about 45 miles most weeks. I'd like to get at least a few 50's in before I cut back for the final two weeks.

As I'd posted yesterday, I ran about 24 miles over the weekend. This morning, I ran about 4 as a recovery run. I should note that I will be doing some cross training this week, as I'm scheduled to be doing some X-C skiing. I may do some very limited running in addition, but it will be very limited. I ski with sufficient intensity that it's comparable to a run, so I'm not concerned about losing fitness.

Today, 4.2 - comfortable.


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