Sunday, July 02, 2006

Accosted In A Parking Lot

One afternoon this week, I went to a bookstore. As I pulled into the parking space, I saw USATF bumper stickers and a racewalking license plate frame. Since I racewalk, and that community is probably one fiftieth the size of the running community; OK, one hundredth; I was wondering if I knew who the driver of this car was.

I looked into the car and saw very little, but as I looked a bit more, I noticed sunglasses that looked like a masculine size and shape. I continued to examine the vehicle, when suddenly a shout blasted across the parking lot, "Hey, what're you doing to that car?" I looked up and saw my friend, Manny.

We both had a laugh and caught up on a few things. It was nice to run into him.


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