A Well Executed Prank
It struck me that we could use me as a set-up tool for the prank, so yesterday, en route to school, when I found by son, who I'll refer to as Lumpy (love that pseudonym), had brought the buzzer, a plan was hatched. After being crossed by the crossing guard with whom we're friendly, I said, "Joe, Lumpy and I were practicing manners last night." Joe responded graciously, inquiring about what we went over. I explained that greetings were one of the things, whereupon Lumpy piped up with "Good Morning, Mr. Joe," and stuck out his hand. Joe, playing along, pulled off his glove, and firmly grasped Lumpy's hand. The buzzer buzzed, Joe yelped, and we all had a good laugh. The set-up worked to a tee.
Afterwards, Joe said, "I hold you responsible." He was right. I just wonder how and when he'll get us back.
Labels: life, practical jokes
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