Friday, June 08, 2007


A recent post of mine bemoaned my sorry state of conditioning. I was challenged by Bruce and Mike to do something about it, with Bruce asking, "What's your plan of getting back into shape?" While the mere fact of my reporting on my condition represented a small step, I had been startled by my atrocious condition. My son, who'd beaten me, was doubtless pleased, and he rarely misses a chance to mention it. The combination of these things is a powerful motivator. I will admit to not attacking this issue terribly aggressively, but have been fairly consistent about getting some running in.
Last night, I ran four laps around the park, so I covered a bit over 5k non-stop. I will say that after half the run, the legs felt a bit heavy. Things didn't erode much from there. Since the pace was easy, the lungs had no trouble, but the duration was short.
I'd like to thank Bruce and Mike publicly for their honesty and helping to get me back on track.

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Blogger robison52 said...

I'm happy to hear you're back in the saddle again!! Hang tough and take it slow.

June 09, 2007 4:55 AM  

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