Monday, June 18, 2007

Earning a Sore Butt

Yesterday, I led a race on a bike. It was in Central Park, so the advance sweep was pretty active. Getting there was half the battle, since I live well into suburbia. I took the train.
Having missed the early train in my town, I rode to one of the nearby towns that has "one-seat" (no transfer) service to NY. One thing I discovered in the process of researching this trip is that NJ Transit eliminated their requirement for a pass to bring a bike onto a train. I'm sure it prevented many people from combining the two transportation modes. The cumbersome rule is gone, and I think it is a very good thing.
One of the people I was working with was a young guy. I jokingly asked is the tires on my bike were older than he was, the bike is a 22 year-old mountain buke set up as a hybrid. The tires are mere youths of about 20 years of age. The kid confessed that both the tires and the bike had him beat, though it was close on the tires.
By the time I got home, around noon, my butt was tender and my thighs were soft. It was a good day physically. Even the combined Father's Day/Birthdays meal did very little damage to my "getting into shape" efforts. OK, I did have a second piece of the ice cream cake for dessert, but neither slice was too big.

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