Friday, August 17, 2007

Does Yesterday Count?

I did some upper body work yesterday, but I had no soreness afterwards. I did not do either walking or running. I left the gym figuring to count my workout towards the 45 in 50, but now I'm having doubts. Without soreness, I'm not sure I went hard enough.

My legs and feet felt better today. I did a half-hour walk on the mill. It listed as 2.4 miles. Slow for the condition I was in a year ago, but it seems to be just about my limit for a hard, sustainable effort.

This morning, I was at the gym at the time I used to usually be in. I got the "WHERE have you been?" from Josh and Dan. I had to confess my badness. I joked to Josh, "I've been working out outside," giving the wink that told him that I was doing my best Jon Lovitz playing Tommy Flinagin (How do you spell that?). I know that showing up there again with a large time gap will get me ridden hard. Those guys will keep me honest.

I'll likely be out of touch for a few days. I should be able to keep up the 45 in 50 though.

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Blogger robison52 said...

I don't think that a weight workout has to have soreness for it to work and have positive benefits. The weight training does indeed count.

Nevertheless, I wouldn't count it as a cardio workout unless you were doing a quick weight circuit routine...therefore you shouldn't count it towards the 45 in 50, but the final decision is yours.

Nice to have Josh and Dan there to hold you accountable, they're almost worth the cost of the gym membership alone!!

August 19, 2007 1:48 AM  
Blogger Brooke said...

Totally counts. So there.

August 22, 2007 10:15 PM  

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