Tuesday, April 28, 2009

A Busy Weekend

This weekend, I was with my son most of the time. He had a lacrosse game at 2PM on Saturday, and we went to an antique fire truck muster before going over. There was equipment going back to 1840, and as recent as the 1980's, though with the real trucks, the 19-teen's was the oldest. There weren't that many, but many were quite nice. My son got involved in looking at a current heavy rescue truck. I'd seen this truck before, when I covered a wall collapse in a neighboring town about 2 years ago.
I'd given blood that morning, and the weather was hot. I wound up pretty tired.
On Sunday morning, I ran, then got cleaned up, and took my son from Sunday School to a track meet. We had about a dozen kids compete. (I coach a youth team.)There were few shining stars, but lots of solid efforts. A couple of times, I felt a bit light-headed, but otherwise seemed OK. When I weighed at the end of the day, I'd lost about 4.5 lbs., probably mostly water, but dropping that much weight that fast seems wrong. I did wind up as the big loser in the weight loss contest for the two-week period.

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