Friday, February 17, 2006

Smaller Feet?

When Arthur Lydiard told me that my feet hurt because my muscles (in my feet) were weak, my running shoes were size 9.5 (I think that's a European 43.3). My last pair of shoes was a 9.5 and they wouldn't restrain my feet properly. I have a pair of 9's that feel right. Back in high school and college, I was usually an 8.5. If stronger foot muscles tend to lift the arch, then it's possible that my feet will also get smaller. (Should I be apologizing to Mrs. Scooter?) I mentioned this to someone else, and they said it was possible, that they'd heard of such occurrences, but it was unusual and all evidence was anecdotal. So, have any readers worked to strengthen their feet and in the process, does it seem like your feet shrunk?


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