Friday, May 12, 2006

A Cause For Concern?

Some people think the presidential election of 2004 was stolen. One of the reasons they make this claim is that some of the new electronic voting machines do not produce an audit trail (or at least not a "hard" one). I'm not qualified to comment on this, but I found this commentary about Diebold voting machines disturbing. If what it says is true, we, as a nation, have a serious cause for concern. Our right as citizens to elect our leaders may be in jeopardy.

I started reading the Boing Boing blog recently, and really enjoy it. It's a peculiar amalgam of technology, social issues, and stuff to make you smile. The "front page" of Boing Boing is here.


Blogger Mike said...

Between Ohio, the redistricting of the past 15 years (yes, Clinton did it too), english only legislation for ballots, the list goes on and on, our freedom of choice has already been severely limited. These machines are the icing on the cake, and I'm glad to see this coming to light just as the value of a paper trail comes into play with Kenneth Lay and his buds.

I forget, who did that plane belong to that GW campaigned in back in 2000? Oh yeah, Enron.

Sorry to get fired up here. Thanks as always for your insightful comments on my blog.

May 12, 2006 7:48 PM  

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