Thursday, May 04, 2006

Eating Before A Run

Yesterday, while coaching, I got a very graphic display of "what not to eat before a run." So, I figured a lesson on how to eat before a run might be in order.

1) Stay away from spicy or fatty foods for about four hours before a run (the harder you'll be running, the more critical this is).

2) Carbohydrates, both simple and complex can be consumed until about 90 minutes prior to running.

3) For the hour or so prior, generally it's best to stick to liquids, and preferably those with fairly low concentrations of sugars and/or salts. (Some -ade beverages can be excellent here, though I prefer straight water or unsweetened tea except prior to an event lasting longer than an hour, when I'll add honey to my tea.)

Some of the things that I'll eat in the few hours before a race include fruit and dry cereal (skim milk in very small amounts may be OK for some - not me, large amounts will likely cause trouble).


Blogger Brooke said...

bananas and granola bars always work for me before a run. I drank a red bull once before running, I will never repeat that mistake.

May 05, 2006 9:42 AM  

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