Wednesday, August 23, 2006

A Pint Low and Mr. Burfoot Cuts To The Chase

Yesterday, I gave blood again. Yes, it probably will hurt my running performance for a couple of weeks or so. I don't have anything coming up that really matters, so, I did some good and I'll be a bit slower for a while, I'm fine with that.

In his latest blog post, Amby Burfoot writes an amusing column of analysis on sports drinks (and saves me the effort of trying to perform such analysis myself). (My little confession - I know too much history of this sport. I can't say Amby's last name without imagining Jock Semple, the man who kept the Boston Marathon going in its dark years, saying, in his Scottish bur, "Now, Mr. Burrrrrfoot,...") Amby cuts to the chase in the Accelerade vs. Gatorade battle, read his post to find out who he feels is the clear winner of this round.


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