Monday, September 29, 2008

Not Just Sore, Marathon Sore!

That's Carlo Gabbi (sp?) of Italy as Dorando with Dorando's cup, me as Johnny Hayes with Hayes' gold medal, and Michal (rhymes with nickel) Kapral aka "The Joggler" as Tom Longboat. And, yes, I shaved the moustache to be Hayes...otherwise they might have thought I was Dorando.

Me, on the left, Bruce Kidd, the great Canadian runner of the early 1960's and an authority on Tom Longboat, and John Bryant, English author of "The Marathon Makers" at the press conference before the Toronto Waterfront Marathon.

I set a new PW for the marathon, adding about 1:31 to my previous worst, but on about 70 days of training, I can't gripe.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...


It's good reading that you're out there; how quickly we get to the finish is not as important as getting there.

I hope it wasn't all pain and discomfort; I hope you had fun.

I'm thinking of doing another marathon; likely the Long Island next May, perhaps we can both get into racing shape together over the winter and run it together again?

Your Friend,


October 01, 2008 12:31 PM  

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