My Current Weight Loss Strategy
My plan is two-pronged, and is based on the fact that muscle needs more energy to stay vital that fat. I've begun a weight lifting program and simultaneously started an aerobic exercise program. So, prong one is adding muscle mass to increase my basal metabolism. Prong two is aerobic exercise to burn calories. Paired together, I expect this plan will yield good results, but only time will tell.
I will say this, back in the 1980's, I first got into lifting weights. At that time, I was also doing a fair volume of exercise. Most winters, my weight would grow to about 160 lbs., up from a summer weight of about 140 lbs. The seasonal deviation was a byproduct of less winter activity paired with greater emphasis on lifting. Over a period of about 3 years, my weights for both winter and summer grew by about 5 lbs. as I added muscle. During this period, my ability to gain and lose weight seemed easier than at any other time in my life.
My goal is to get back to a weight of about 160 lbs., which I consider to be my "running weight." I expect this effort to lose about 27 more lbs. will take about a year.
Labels: life, weight loss, weight management
Thanks for the Spam posting. I like Spam, the English like Spam, and Spam always reminds me of backpacking during summer camp,and after a few days, when we fried up that potted meat, it was a real treat.
Oh, and by the way Harry, I do not require a cure for erectile dysfunction. Exercise and fitness will often do that, except if you cut off blood flow to your "equipment" from too much time on a bicycle seat.
Have a nice day!
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