Tuesday, July 18, 2006


On Saturday night, my wife and I went a local club. The singer in the band was someone my wife trains. The owner of the club was someone my wife trains. I'd commented to her that incidents like this are signs that we've become a part of the local community. Living in the suburbs of a big city, these kinds of deeper relationships seem to take longer to develop than in small towns, in part because so many people spend so much time out of the town.

Saturday was a very long day for me, starting out with a track meet (which I did not run in), then the tour of Asbury Park, dropping my son at my in-laws (70 miles away), seeing Hello Dolly at the local theater, and finally the visit to the club.

In my poison ivy battle, new bumps keep rising. I hope the progress slows soon. Most of the new spots seem like they'll be less severe, but the little bit between my index and middle finger of my right hand is particularly annoying. It's swollen and blistered, and I feel it every time I move my hand.


Blogger Brooke said...

Hope you feel better soon!!

July 19, 2006 8:02 AM  

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