Friday, July 06, 2007

Consistency, Finally!

As I am trying to hammer this pudgy, pasty body back into shape, I've been pretty consistent about putting some mileage into my legs each day. Sunday will be a real test as I attempt a hilly 15K "race" (in quotes because while it's a race, I'm not racing). The longest I've run since starting my comeback is about 5 miles (Wednesday's four-miler with an additional mile of cool-down), so along with the work of the hills, the distance will be challenging. I found out that my time on Wednesday is listed as 34:06, a tad better than I thought.

So, will I be able to make it? I heard the medical director at the Runner's World Half-Marathon posit to Amby Burfoot that a runner could finish a distance equal to their weekly mileage. If that holds true and I don't get stupid, the 15K should be fairly easy. My challenge will be avoiding oxygen debt during the big hill.

Oh, and one other thing, I'm giving some thought to a fall marathon. It'll be slow, but having it looming will keep me focused.

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