Wednesday, August 30, 2006


I went for a run yesterday morning from a motel. I knew I was at risk as soon as I asked about a running route and I got a blank look. The guy behind the counter's name was Vinny, sounds Italian, right? I think he was actually Indian.

Anyway, once I'd asked about if there was a not to busy road, perhaps heading off into farmland, he just looked blank. Eventally, with some coaxing, he told me of a park, about a mile up the raod. It turned out to be a private picnic ground, posted "no trespassing", so I continued up the road, eventually getting to a very busy area and feeling a bit ill at ease. I turned back there.

When I returned to the motel, I suggested that next time, he send runners into one of the two industrial parks that were on either side of the road before the picnic ground.

I'm often amazed at how running can possibly seem so alien to people in the hospitality industry. I'd think any motel would get requests about where to run at least a few times a week.


Blogger David said...

Yeah, I got a similar blank stare last year from a hotel guy when I asked about running routes, in Sturbridge, MA. Ended up running randomly toward Sturbridge Village (which we'd visited that day), and to my surprise, I ran right into the Village itself - it was closed (evening), but no one was around, no ropes or signs really. It was awesome, cruising through a deserted Sturbridge Village. I'd run there all the time if I lived near by.

August 30, 2006 10:03 PM  
Blogger robison52 said...

Howdy! As a Las Vegas cab driver I often get great tips from other runners when I tell them about the local running scene as well as the closest trails and routes from their hotels. During December I'll wear my LV Marathon t-shirt as to be recognized by my fellow brethren. Never hurts to advertise. Happy trails, Bruce

August 31, 2006 5:00 AM  

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