Monday, June 23, 2008

S&*t, George Carlin Died!

I have a memory of a grammar school friend, Bob, reciting portions of Carlin's "Seven Dirty Words" routine in either fourth or fifth grade. Now, whether kids of that age should know that routine may be debatable, but the routine was funny and wise. I think that may have been the best thing about him, his routines made you think. Oh, and I looked up the seven words, the mildest was the "t" word for breasts, or perhaps the "p" word for urine. Seeing a transcript of the version of the routine that brought him to court, one of the funniest things about it was Carlin's observation that two of the words were compound words, "c%&*sucker" and "mother&%$#er," and his commentary that the former could be acceptable in some cases in either half, but together it was unacceptable. The missing portion of the latter also made the list of seven, and finally the "c" word for a woman's private parts completes the list of seven. (If any of you coun't figure out the terms, you can find a list here.)



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