Friday, June 27, 2008

Flying Chalk

I was watching the beginning of the movie Cocktail and saw Tom Cruise sleeping in class. It reminded me of a visit I got my first time in college, from a piece of chalk.
One of the instructors had the practice of flinging the piece of chalk he was writing with at sleeping students. The practice had two benefits, it cut down on sleeping in class and provided a degree of entertainment to those paying attention.
Well, on this day, I was in back of the classroom, and for the the only time during the semester, he missed! The chalk clanged off the edge of the seat beside me, rose onto the back wall of the wall of the room and shattered into grit, a cloud of dust, and the laughter of other students.
I've just once had trouble staying awake so far this go round. I think I managed to hold onto an A this semester, but I think by just a hair.

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Blogger robison52 said...

With my best Maxwell Smart accent, "He missed you by THAT much!" (fingers spread by an inch)

June 28, 2008 5:05 AM  

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